Why Culture is Important in Today’s Era of Diversity?

why cultire is important in business

In today’s era of global citizenship which decrease the value of borders, most of the world has adopt the western culture because it is considered to be more modern and relevant.

But what currently happen is the rise of cultural recognition of the non-western based cultures and ethnic groups.

This situation occurs because of the unrecognition and even discrimination towards ethnic minorities that causes an uproar in their efforts to increases the awareness of their cultural identity.

Identity is an important case for people to know their roots and cultures. That’s why there are movements like the Black Live Matters Movements or the celebrations of Juneteenth.

This is issue is mostly important after experiencing discrimination of minorities like Black people, Asian, Hispanic, or other minority groups.

So, celebration like Juneteenth, National Hispanic Heritage Month, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, and other celebrations are important to emphasize the recognition and appreciation toward those of varied cultural backgrounds.

To know one’s identity, one must know of their cultural backgrounds, heritage, and ancestors in order to appropriately preserve their culture.

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Why are cultures important? And why should we preserve them?

In today’s global era, most culture have been replaced by western culture, this is occurrence especially experienced by modern young people.

This happens because of the widely positive portrayal that western cultures are more efficient, modern, simple, and more useful in current’s era.

Unlike the negative portrayal of the other cultures that are seen as irrelevant, bothersome, ineffective, and out of date.

Looking at this positive portrayal of the western culture and negative portrayal of the other culture, why culture is important?

Why should we preserve it if it was considered to be irrelevant?

This article will explain the importance of culture in today’s era.

In an individual level, cultural identity provides stability that, in turn, gives you a feeling of security and safety.

For most people, cultural identity provides them with the same emotional response as they have for their family. Strangers have an instant connection when they are part of the same culture. Culture provides a continuity between cities, states, and regions.

In addition to one’s identity, culture is also the lifeblood of a community, and cultural identity could create a vibrant society in the form of festivals, food and beverage, and unique atmosphere.

In community level, culture is the bond which ties them together. It refers to their similarity in art, literature, language, values and beliefs, and mostly, their experiences and backgrounds.

Cultural identity created an opportunity for people to bond and create communities that helped them express their beliefs and heritage.

Cultures are expressed in various ways different to one another. It helps us celebrate and trace our identity and backgrounds.

Cultures also improved learning, increased tolerance, and opportunities to come together with others and enhances the overall wellbeing of both individuals and communities.

Through our culture we develop a sense of belonging, personal and cognitive growth, and the ability to empathize and relate to each other.

This is why most communities are tied to their cultural heritage, because they found another people that have the same experience, play the same game, hear the same music, and feel the same privilege or discrimination.

In the US, the value of diversity of cultures mostly reflected to the term “Melting Pot” in New York.

New York is considered to be a melting pot because of the diversities of nationalities, cultures, and ethnicities. One could see different parts of New York and feel a different cultural nuance because of the large numbers of cultural communities there.

The term melting pot described as the union of many different cultures without one culture dominates the other, and blend together to create something that is more.

Many of the different cultures and ethnicities that exist can be seen through food present in the city. NYC is home to some of the best Italian food. Bagels, Matzo ball soup, and smoked meat once representing the high Jewish population present are now symbols associated with NYC. As any local will tell you, the Asian influence is huge with a booming Chinatown and more Asian restaurants than one can imagine. As for the French, there are more French restaurants in NYC than in Paris. All you have to do is walk down the busy streets to discover the different cuisines of the world.

In conclusion, the important of cultures applied to individuals and communities to help them grow. Culture help people in understanding themselves and others, tolerate the difference in people, and at the same time can merge with other culture to create something new and exciting.

Diversity of cultural identity could also helps us in learning something new about the world, different point of views, cultural history, and many more.

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But does this value of culture benefit the economy?

In current world of efficient business model, does one culture have a positive impact in the workplace? Why culture is important in business?

According to the Government of Ontario, Canada, Culture directly and indirectly supports the creation of job creation.

Economic opportunities created by culture have taken on greater importance as economies transition from the industrial model, and work based on physical labour, to a new model in which knowledge and creativity drive productivity and growth.

Knowledge-based economies favour ideas to stimulate innovation, and they develop specialized services and highly customized products to create value.Information, technology, and learning are central to their performance.

The importance of culture in the digital era have influence not just people and communities but also digital platforms, such as video games, movie, entertainment agencies, and even the media.

Looking at the term Black-Owned Businesses, this term defined as a business enterprise that are owned by African American in the US. This term usually used to promote an enterprise to get the support from communities.

Another form of cultural influences is shown in videogames, where cultural lore is used as the story. Games like God of War which used the Greek and Nordic Mythos, Never Alone which used the Native American Mythologies, and even games like Smite or Shin Megami Tensei used a wide variant of mythologies as their characters.

In movies, we could see the influences of culture such as Norse mythologies in Thor and African heritages in Black Panther in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Greek culture in 300 and Troy, and African Americans culture in Moonlight and Soul.

Culture also has economical value in the form of tourism. Cultural festivals or rituals could attract tourist that are interested in learning and knowing other beliefs and backgrounds.

Festivals like Mardi Gras in New Orleans to celebrate the practice of eating rich before fasting for easter. The Burning Man in Nevada that comes from the Bohemian and nomadic cultures. Or the Riverfront Dragon Boat and Asian Festivals in Connecticut that promotes Asian cultures in the form of various dragon boat competition and presentation.

What about cultures in work environment? How important is culture in the workplaces? What could it benefit us?

Workplace diversity means showing our respect, recognition, and value to the skills and differences that each staff member brings into the workspace.

A diverse workplace is an inclusive environment that provides equal rights and opportunities for all workers, regardless of gender, colour, age, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and other different backgrounds.

The diversity of different cultures in a working space could help provide a different point of view towards an idea. The diversity of talent means a broader range of skills among employees, as well as a diversity of experiences and perspectives which increases the potential for increased idea stimulating productivity and problem-solving.

With various cultures and backgrounds work together, the opportunity for increased creativity exists. This is because there are more people with differing perspectives and solutions to problems, allowing for a greater chance of a more suitable solution to a problem.

This in turn could results in innovation, new development, and customized products or services to suit market audience’s niche.

Diversity in the workplace could also benefit the company or enterprises. In the form of the increase in market audience.

A diverse range of cultures within the workplace allows companies to deal with the different nuances within a global marketplace.

For example, if a company wanted to collaborate with a Japan or France enterprise, the company could choose a staff member with the ability to speak Japanese or French.

By advertising the depiction of group with ethnically diverse people encourages applicants to apply, promotes a positive reputation, increases marketplace awareness, and generates a more diverse client.

In short, the diversity of cultural background in a work environment help to create a more stimulating workplace that could result in innovation and more productivity. Diversity in the workplace could also help the company to widen their market audience and target due to the varied representation of ethnicity.

Cultural impact in today’s era helps us understand the many varieties of people and experiences in life which proofed to be useful, either in social life or in applied business models. This value and benefit is why are cultures important for us.

Kevin Pradipta


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